UPC: 66594 99905
Maximum D3® is available for purchase through the major pharmaceutical wholesalers listed below. For other commercial or institutional inquiries, please contact Pro Pharma LLC:
Puerto Rico inquiries, please contact Rimaco, Inc. at 787-792-9512.
eCommerce Policy and MAP Policy -
Pro Pharma LLC is the exclusive eCommerce reseller and has exclusive rights to sell Maximum D3® on all major eCommerce platforms including Amazon. All other sellers are prohibited from reselling Maximum D3® through eCommerce platforms and may be reported to wholesalers/retailers and/or may face legal action. Reselling Maximum D3® through your own eCommerce platform/website is allowed as long as the MAP (Minimum Advertised Price) Policy is followed. The MAP is $69.12 per box of Maximum D3. Please email info@USAProPharma.com for a copy of the eCommerce MAP Policy and related questions.
Wholesale Numbers:
Stock #413322
Order #4025052
Stock #1827807
Morris & Dickson
Stock #957803